Hide unnecessary dimensions on a 3D part


I created a boss with parameterized dimensions. I would now like to be able to simply hide the dimensions that I don't use to drive my shape so that the drawing is more readable.

I can look but at best I make everything disappear ... and no way to simply select the unwanted dimension and "hide" it.

On the image, the strikethrough dimensions are the ones to be hidden.

Any idea? Thank you.


There are two ways, but the 2 is necessary to make the dimensions hidden with the 1 visible.

1: Simply, Right click on the quote and then "Hide".

2: and/or Right-click in the FeatureManager > Show/Hide Tree Objects > Show Annotations. The visibility of the quotes will then be manageable from the tree.

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I wanted to test under SW2019, but I don't have any ratings displayed in the tree, an idea or 2020+ version?

Thanks in advance

Thank you for your answer,

It worked with method 2.

On the other hand, the 1 I don't have this option when I click right on my rating... strange.

In any case, thank you! 


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And ba I arrive with method 1 but not method 2 hihihihi it's true that to "show" it's a bit special.

No, my option is indeed to "show", as well as "show function dimensions", but I don't have it developed under the view.


Your tree is probably in "flat view". It must be displayed normally (hierarchical display) to see the dimensions:

Right-click on the root > Tree View > uncheck "Tree Flat View".

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  @Sylk still not sorry, I'm already in flat view.

He just adds "Notes zone", too bad it will be for next time;)

Thanks for trying.

Same also I am also in flat view but I don't see my dimensions in the tree either.

Thank you

Hello @FUZ3D , @jnoel 

I must have expressed myself badly, you must NOT be in flat display. So the option must be unchecked.

As you can see in my last image, the option being checked the quotes do not appear.

Thank you for your answer, but I do have the option to uncheck

and no rib in my tree for all that....

wtf? Yet you said that it worked with method 2 ???

Yes I succeeded but in reality I did like this: "Edit the annotation view"

I then selected the odds that I wanted to keep visible and my faith it worked like this.

After I would have liked method 1 to work, it seems more logical to me to do as you told me but hey ...

Well now I don't know what to tell you... I tried all the possible options, my quotes are still visible in the tree. Only flat display makes them disappear.

What is your version and sp of SW?

I'm in the 2021 version.

No, it's not a big deal for the moment, I'm doing this method which seems to suit me and maybe one day the solution will come by itself:) 

Thanks to you in any case