myCADservices Premium morning at Forcis (Strasbourg) on April 25, 2024

Hi all

We are organising a special myCADservices morning at Forcis! Do you use the tools and services of the myCADservices premium offer or would you like to discover them live? This event is for you!

Enter the premises of Forcis, a company specialising in the protection of sensitive sites, and discover its design office!
Thierry KOCH, Design Manager will be pleased to present their use of the myCADtools and myPDMtools tools in SOLIDWORKS as well as the functioning of his teams!

This is an opportunity for you to discuss your way of designing and producing within your company!

On the program:

  • Presentation of the Forcis company and its teams
  • Demonstrations of myCADtools and myPDMtools by Forcis
  • Demonstrations of myCADservices services (training, support, etc.) by Forcis
  • Profits and gains obtained by Forcis
  • New myCADservices Premium 2024 by Florian FERNANDEZ, CSM myCADservices
  • Cocktail lunch

This event will take place on April 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the FORCIS company (near Strasbourg);
Register for the event for free:

If you, too, would like to open the doors of your company to present your use of myCADservices to other users, let me know!
Let's share our know-how between manufacturers! :muscle:

Have a nice day

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To participate in this event for free, click here:

Hello Coralie,
Sorry once again I am not available that day!!..

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