Poor smoothing


Following a question asked a few days ago https://www.lynkoa.com/forum/solidworks/lissage-pas-possible?page=0#answer-

When doing my smoothing by removing material from the cells, despite the displacement of the green dots, there are lines that cross each other causing defects that are visible in 3D printing.

Is it possible to remedy this without having to place guidelines, just to save time?


Add 1-2 guide lines. Tick the seam of the surfaces carefully.

not possible without guide lines if the two curves are very different. They appear to have the same geometry but different size. 

Apply a smoothing to the two curves (command adjust the spline) before if possible. It removes all the tangent edges.

The guidelines are drawn very quickly. No time wasted. By 3D sketch. A single sketch for all the lines.

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