Same equations for 2 parts + 1 assembly?

I would like to know if you know if it is possible to have the same "file" of equations (global variable) for two parts file?
Changing a variable modifies the 2 files.

And after the same equation "file" for the 2 parts + 1 assembly (everything remains easily linked)?

Thank you:)

Create a part file with a sketch that you insert into your two parts and into the assembly?


Part family and even Excel file?

I would like to avoid the family of rooms.

My use will be to create a shape, to use it as an imprint in a piece of packaging tray. to repeat my imprint with step x step y and find this step and other information in the assembly.


You have the option to export the equations to a text file that you can then use by importing it into another part or assembly.

It's null that it's a text file but not the choice on SW.

Be careful, it's very bad... E as a principle, it is really to be used with caution.

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Otherwise, to make this kind of part, we draw the imprint in a part named A for example  (just the sketches of the contout) then in another part B we insert the part A with a repetition for us, 2 imprints or 4 depending on the mold.

And finally in part C and the following part(s), which are the parts to be made, we remove the material from our starting block according to part B (subtraction of a body or we recover the sketches derived from part A or B pure, removed material, sweeping or other)

And as a result, the same imprint is used to make several pieces.

It's not the ideal method but it works relatively well.

And the advantage is that to carry out a project with a different footprint you just have to copy the assembly with the different parts by modifying the references (with project manager this is done by itself, following the fingerprint modifications.

Then, in the new project, it is enough to slightly modify the footprint so that it follows almost by itself.

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