Missing Functions Context Menu


I have functions that have disappeared from the context menu of my assembly.

Normally to create a subassembly, I select several parts, I right-click on one of the selected parts and in the context menu I select Form a new subassembly here.

Alas, I have this:

How do I recover all the missing functions (I am on SW2011)?

Kind regards

PS: I know, I'm using an old version


Check to do: click on the "customize menu" button at the bottom of the context menu and check that you don't have anything unchecked.

Kind regards


If I am not mistaken; After selecting them in the ASM, they are also highlighted in the tree and it is from there that we right-click in the tree and then create a subassembly.


Thank you for your answers

ac cobra 427: My selection procedure is correct, I select the components directly in the tree before right-clicking

D.Roger: Here is the menu of "Customize the menu"

It seems to me that in this menu there are some functions missing.

How can I get them back?

Kind regards


You can try by going to "Tools / Customize" and last tab "customization" then "Restore default settings". If this is not enough and if you have a backup of your settings you can try restoring them otherwise it smells like SW repair.

Kind regards

To have access to this function, you must either select a single element or the elements must be directly consecutive in the tree. Otherwise the function does not appear.

Well yet, on the attached image, I have 2 separate non-consecutive pieces in the tree and I have the function that appears in the context menu ... On the other hand, they must all be at the same level...

Kind regards

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