I beg you (all things being equal^^) tell me that there is a way to freeze the dimensions or at least to prevent them from moving every time they are changed, please? I've already tried to uncheck the option: "Reduce the spacing in case of deletion or modification of dimensions... " in System Options/Drawing. I also tried to de-select the smart rating without success.
Is it a matter of magnetization?
Thank you for your precious help and have a good day.
For me the simplest thing to do, and this will also be useful for the question about configurations, is to create annotation views in the 3D that will be re-used in the drawing.
The idea is to make sure that everything is managed in a 3D annotation view and that the plan is only a reflection of these annotation views, I'm in 2016-2017 I unfortunately can't give you an example.
First of all, sorry for the late return. I've looked a little on the internet, on help etc but I still don't understand what an annotation view is? What is it for? How to insert it into an M.e.P.? Is this a M.e.P. 3D?