I'm currently performing a frequency analysis on Solidworks Simulation on a system of several elements to find my resonant frequencies.
Only when my results are displayed, the parts penetrate each other at the resonance so the values of natural frequencies are wrong compared to reality.
Does anyone know if there is an option somewhere in Solidworks so that when my parts deform, they don't penetrate?
My parts are embedded with each other, I have a solid contact on my whole assembly but since I have different materials, some plates making up my modeling have different resonance frequencies and meet but solidworks does as if there was no contact and let them go through each other.
What is the scale used to display the results? If the scale is exaggerated (x1000) you have the impression that the pieces fit into it, with the display at real scale everything goes back to normal.
Otherwise it is possible to specify contacts between assemblies or components with the "no penetration" option.
Yes, in reality the display gives me the impression that my parts fit into it but it's only an illusion... It's a stupid mistake on my part, as much for me.
Maybe it's just the resolution of the screen, if solidworks doesn't tell you anything, it's because your zoom is important and the rendering can be quite small. Laugh