Message when exporting dxf

  Hi all.

I get a message that keeps popping up when I run a macro that exports all my sheet metal configurations to Dxf.

The message is as follows:

"The scale of one or more drawing views may be different from that of the sheet.

Some converted dimensions from these drawing views may not appear to scale with any new dimensions created in the target system."


I specify that I am in my 3D model, that this model has no drawing and that I simply launch a macro that unfolds configuration by configuration and exports the unfolded in dxf.

The message is displayed before each export and I have to enter each config which is not the purpose of the macro.


Do you have an idea?


Thank you!



Can you post your macro and an example of a part on which you have the problem (if in SW version less than or equal to 2017) so that we can take a look?

Kind regards

Here's the macro.


On the other hand, the file is in 2019....


I don't see anything in your macro that could explain this and it works very well on a sheet metal file made quickly, to see in your file if something can be annoying and what's in your dxf export options in SW.

Not having SW2019, I'm going to be a bit stuck but other members of the forum will surely be able to help you.

Sorry I couldn't do more...

Kind regards

Thank you for taking the time to watch.


I hadn't used the macro for a while, maybe it's due to the change of Solidworks version and/or a parameter.

I searched but in vain... I'd like to find it eventually! ^^


Good night!

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After some research, here's what I found:

The "ExportFlatPatternView" function became obsolete with the 2017 version of SW (2016 and 2017), on this 2017 version it still works without any problems but it is therefore quite possible that problems have occurred with the following versions. So you may need to modify your macro to use the replacement function: ExportToDWG2.

Kind regards


Hi Bart,

It's been a long time, try to see this macro. It saves the DXFs in the folder where the part is located by the name of the part and then by the name of the configuration.



You can also try the program provided on this link, this one contains the function "EwportToDWG2" instead of " ExportFlatPatternView ", this may allow you to see if it fixes your problem.

Kind regards


Thank you.


Yes, @ac 427 cobra has been a while! ^^

I'm looking at your 2 solutions and keep you informed! ;)