Solidworks Message at Launch - Button Definition


Since I updated the 2020 version of Solidworks, every time I launch I get a message from Solidworks (see image in PJ).

No matter how much I put Yes or No, it doesn't change anything, the message still appears every time I launch it.

You should know that I have my settings that I have saved (macros, formatting, settings...). Maybe it changes something?

Do you have a solution?

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Hello @Loulou.P

All the settings you have saved are normally in a * file. SLDREG

Why did this message before the 2019 version of SW installation overwrite your SDLREG file and put a new . SLDREG which meant that if you hadn't made a backup on the desktop or elsewhere then SOlidworks overwrote your preferences.  (GRRRRR !!!!)

Now SW no longer overwrites the SLDREG by default but still asks you if you sometimes don't want the standard (in case of change of holder or others).

So once SW is open you click on your SLDREG that you have saved and it should open a repair window that asks you what you want to do.

Once this operation is done, you should no longer have the recurring message.  

Kind regards

PS / Makes a backup in . OLD of your SLDREG you never know.


 Hello Zozo_mp,

I tried this manipulation unfortunately it didn't work.

The window opened and so I re-saved my settings but it didn't change anything.

Thank you all the same for the answers that made me have a little hope!

Solidworks works anyway (so far), so I'm thinking of waiting for the next update and trying these ways again.

Kind regards

oops, question error