Memory Out of Memory or Out of Memory Error Messages Regularly


Under Solidworks 2015 SP5 on Windows 10 with 16 GB of RAM, a user complains of having error messages like these all day long:

A restart solves the problem, but it quickly returns afterwards.

If anyone has an idea...


There has already been a similar post recently see this link:


Hello, indeed the tutorial recalled is very complete. To sum up, start by looking in the task manager where the memory is used (RAM or graphics card) if the graphics card is favored, you should see the updates of the computer.

Kind regards!


Ps: Thank you @a.leblanc I read the post you refer to, it's super interesting!

Yes, I had already asked the question.

Personally, apart from the regular presence of these messages, I can work properly.

No crashes or slowness.

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