On one project, I made exploded views with a table from Bom and Callout. My customer wants to add a new meta property with item numbers for these spare parts. So I modify the SolidWorks to integrate the information. I update my Composer by checking "import meta-properties", but in the user properties I don't have my new information, nor in the configuration of Bom columns.
For my modified SolidWorks, if I save it as .smg, and I go to the user properties I have my modification that appears, but suddenly I start again on a blank file (no more exploded views) and therefore loss of 3 weeks of work....
Hello, this didn't solve my problem. The elements return to their original places but the Meta do not update.
I have found a solution, but it requires me to take back some part already made.
I transformed my Solidworks assembly into SMG (N°2). On my original (N°1), I extracted all my views into a .view file, and I imported the views into my N°2. Then I copied all the collaborations from my N°1 and pasted them into my N°2. It is important to know that the cutting planes as well as the paths and magnetic lines are not copied. I recorded my N°2, closed and only then did I close my N°1 (registered or not it doesn't matter). If you close N°1 first, there is a good chance that your labels, callouts etc will not stay in your N°2
It was then necessary to redo the paths and the cross-sectional views...