Part creation method



I come to you with a new question. I have an imported part that I need to redo to modify it later. I tried the function recognition, but it doesn't work, I would like to have your opinion on the design of this part, because for the moment I am in a total impasse.



I am attaching the document in Step and Solidworks format.

ear. STEP


Thank you in advance for the help you can give me


What should this piece be made of?


In sheet metal? Or just in volume?

I have the impression that it's plastic injection

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I can't open your file, made in solidworks 2015?

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Indeed, it's made of plastic apparently given the fixing brackets


Rather than bothering to redo a play, with necessarily loss of information in the transcription. Why don't you start from your WWTP to work on it?


The WWTP serves as a reference base, and you add/remove the material that suits you. You can even do (a little) surface to play with the thicknesses.

I think you'd be much less bothered


It is indeed plastic injection

I would like to have a clean room and be able to control all my functions. If I start from the STEP file, I will have something not clean and I may also lose a lot of time if I want to make a big modification (enlargement of my curves

I'm on Solidworks 2015


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Oh yes, hot. It's never pleasant to work on a part for which you don't have the design tree.


Is it not possible to ask the customer for a rated plan? 


No, they don't want to :( I have to redo the whole design of the project and it's the only part I can't do. I don't even know where to start to make it. I tested several solutions, but without success

By going through IGEs, Sw won't recognize the functions better?


Otherwise, imrpimer to scale 1 and take the ribs again with stage fright to redraw afterwards.


Then you can make a surface envelope of your room and then fill it.

To make the envelope, you can use "Insert" -> "Surface" and "Sewn". This will convert your body surfaces into surface elements


I tested the IGES, but no improvement on function recognition


@Aurelien, with your method, I couldn't modify the curves?

When you talk about modifying the curve, do you want to make a complete redesign of it? or it's that you have to keep the same shape but "bigger".

Because in this case, maybe a surface offset could do your job

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I would like to do a complete redesign to for example only lengthen the part, modify the curves of the front to make them rounder, but without modifying the length and width of the part...

But... but... but then, you don't care if you redo their play! I personally wouldn't waste my time with that. It's going to be horribly frustrating and never accurate

You have your dimensions of size, (max length and width). All you have to do is treat yourself and make the piece you like by taking here and there the dimensions that interest you

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Yes I don't care a bit, I plan to redo it from 0, but it has to be more or less the same part except for a few details.

However, I don't know at all how to make this type of piece, I don't know where to start...



Is it really the beginning that is blocking you? The "aesthetic" form?

If that's the case, I'll do an extrusion by revolution, then a removal of material by off-axis revolution.

See attached file


Extract some basic curves

Delete Body

and rebuilding the surface


And to complete the picture, you can also take your mounting brackets as a reference if they are important compared to the rest of your assembly

if you shift all your surfaces by 1/1000 outwards

you end up with a hollow surface piece

This allows you to see that your curves  in the Evaluate tab

via the tools Zebras and bends are not that bad

which moreover is it possible to extract x cutting plane

to get the sketches you will need to make your modifications

with refs X Y Z

It's up to you
