Scale a sketch


I would like to increase the size of my sketch (following an import the part is 3mm high instead of 30...).  

I tried to scale the entities but it distorts my sketch. Should I constrain the sketch by measurements or leave it free?

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Well I managed by making a copy of the sketch, but normally I should be able to apply it to the original sketch, without scaling it by copying it delete....

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For a sketch revision, it is admired an image by the fact

I advise you if you want to act as if you were importing an image

This will allow you to update your sides commit it you wish 

It's my way of working and it works very well for me 

Watch this tutorial

Simple and effective every time and for all types of images or sketches



TOP of TOP it will help me to reproduce my cup 

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I advise you to draw a straight side via your origin and all you have to do is set your image on it to be sure of your ribs 

then you have enough to enlarge the whole image proportionally

@+ ;-))

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Simple and naughty solution:

Select ALL your sketch -> create a block -> scale factor on the block -> explode the block

I tested it works PERFECTLY


CQFD ;-)



yes it's a solution but it comes back to the same as selecting scale by copying and deleting the original sketch

advantage you remove a block and you explode the new one.

well it's true that GT22 knowing me he put his finger on what was the most interesting for me

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