Microstation to Solidworks

Hello everyone,


Today I don't have a problem!

But I anticipate!

One of our customers works under Microstation. We would like to get his work back to make our little sauce (reinforcement for transport, for lifting, etc...)

But I have a doubt about what Microstation file can generate?

I asked for step, iges and parasolid files


For the moment I'm right?

And what awaits me afterwards? (apart from happiness in the bar)

Have you ever done this kind of operation?


Thank you in advance for your information.




A priori it is possible:

"MicroStation also support STEP, Parasolid, SAT and IGES format. Like SolidWorks, you can import and export from/to MicroStation surface and solid grafics. Please look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLBwKtzRQ8E"



Hi Frédéric,

  Apart from not having access to the manufacturing tree of the original model (client), you should still be able to make your modifications to it.

The big problem with retrieving .step/.iges files is found in complex surfaces. The suffocation of the recovered model may be different from that of the original model, which may require some reconstruction operations on your part.

  There you go, I hope it will help you.



That's what I thought, its function but there will be a little (a lot) of boulo behind it.


Thank you very much.