Updated SW2016 the waltz of prices

I am currently working on SW2012. I got a price offer for a SW2016 update. If I buy it before the end of the year I pay 2000€, from January it will be 6000€! I thought that only sofa sellers had this type of methods....  Apparently it is the new conditions of sale that unfortunately do not go in the right direction.

Is this update really worth it?


The problem is that if you don't upgrade before January, you'll have to pay every year between your current version and the available version...

So let's see, if you want to stay another 2 years with your 2012 license, the price of recovering late payment may be the same as that of a new license.

But I confirm these new conditions in any case


Which dealer did you consult?

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In fact, it's that from January you have to catch up on all the years of non-updates + the updates (which explains the soaring price)

On the other hand, there is a certain deficiency. Like after 10 years I think it stops.

There's a whole topic of discussion about Lynkoa but I can't get my hands on it


If until today Solidworks2012 suited you very well... There are no special reasons to change. In any case, it will be necessary to buy an update in 2017 and then 2018 etc etc



See these links




Haha, I just found it.

It's quite interesting to read @Stephane_88 if you want to get an idea on the matter




And in fact it's not a deficiency of X years. This is within the limit of the price of a new license. All you have to do is do your calculations;)


Edit: @Gt22 you were faster than me:)

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And to answer the question "Is this update really worth it ?"

What field do you work in? 

Because SW users will be able to tell you here the changes between your 2012 and 2016 versions in order to know if it's really worth it (and the cost) for you.

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To complete Aurélien's request. It is also important to know if you need to communicate with customers or partners by exchanging CAD files.

In this case, having the same version as our interlocutor is a great advantage. Because it allows you to share native files.


Totally agree with remrem, we have the case of a subsidiary that stayed for years in the 2007 version for a very big customer!

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And here is a rather interesting point to value your software investment as a tax deduction:



"Remarks: The system of depreciation of expenses relating to the acquisition or production of software depends on the degree of autonomy of the software in relation to the equipment in which it is incorporated. When the software is inseparable from the hardware eligible for declining balance depreciation, it is then itself eligible for declining balance depreciation and the exceptional deduction.

However, software that contributes to industrial manufacturing and processing operations (e.g. design, simulation, control, programming, monitoring and production management software, maintenance) is also eligible for the exceptional deduction."

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