Hi all
I am a recently registered member but I have already had the opportunity to browse the different topics of the forum many times, and it has sometimes been a great help to me!
I took advantage of the lockdown period to develop an application bringing together all the good practices I have been able to acquire in recent years: Hertz pressure, Choice of surface treatments, Geometric tolerances, Theoretical calculation of the endurance limit, Sizing of screws, etc...
It was initially intended to be personal, but I finally decided to distribute it because it could finally be useful to other designers. This is not really promotion because the application is free and without advertising... The idea is rather to make the app progress, by capturing the needs or practices of any designer!
Sorry if this post doesn't belong here.
You can find the app on the Google Playstore:
https://play.google.com/store/ apps/details?id=io.kodular.yann_binda. Concepteur_Industriel__Mecanique
Friendly application.
A few remarks:
- I hope the ad won't be too intrusive
-no information on the sources of the calculations (quite embarrassing for me to trust a third party without knowing what he does and how)
-nice the principle of the friction coeff calculation tool (I haven't tested it though). provide a silicone case for the laptop on the other hand ;-)
- having much more complete tables on the screws would be appreciable (and not too complicated to add): the M24 is not huge (the M100 doesn't scare me..)
- a tool for general tolerances similar to that of ISO tolerances would be a plus: you enter a dimension and a class and the TEL calculates the tolerance associated with the dimension
-adding the 'folkoric' ISO adjustment tolerances would be a plus (maybe on a variant of the tool so as not to drown a beginner with uncommon things. I have the impression that the tool accepts huge base dimensions (like 10000) while the iso is limited to 1000 or 2000 mm of memory.
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