Automatic updates of user settings in Inventor 2013


I recently asked a question about linear part repetition in an assembly in order to have an equation that automatically calculates the spacing using user parameters (fx).  It took me a long time to understand well, but I got out of it. (thank you for your help by the way!)

On the other hand, I am facing a new problem, i.e. the automatic update of these parameters. When I change a dimension, the user parameter is not updated (although the box is checked) while the reference parameter is updated. See attachment ( d7 d8 etc...).

If anyone have an idea?

thank you, Olif



No one?



The dimensions D7, D8, D9 are controlled dimensions and therefore cannot be modified. If I understand correctly, you want to vary the center distances according to the length of the spar and/or the section of your crossbars.

To do this, you can link the dimensions by clicking on Link in Settings.lier les paramètres

You choose the part and the parameter you want to import.

You can now make your repeat formula with these parameters