Updated the textures directory



I have an assembly from solidworks that I want to apply textures to.

So I downloaded different textures to test the best texture. The first time everything worked well. Now I have added a texture in the texture directory but it does not appear in the workshop, as if the directory was not updated. So I tried to put it in another directory and it's the same.

When I go through the properties to change the texture the window that opens shows me my file, I select it, I validate, but if I look at the selected name it is the old name that appears. So I've moved my old textures. They are no longer in the repertoire but still appear in the workshop...

How can this file be updated?

Sometimes, it's impossible for me to check the texture box in the properties, for the same part sometimes it works and other times it doesn't...


A priori, Composer only accepts jpg textures, isn't that your problem?


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To be exact, he does not accept them but knows how to convert them. Basically, you have to search by displaying all the formats, select the jpeg and it will convert the texture

@coin37coin how do I do this search and conversion in the texture directory of the workshop?


Edit: we know how to take a bmp texture on an object but not make it appear in the texture directory, I am forced to convert it to jpg.

@Coyote: When you right-click => appearance, you have a "color" property window that opens. You then have to go to "advanced", then "color/image" and finally "browse".


All you have to do is select the jpeg that will be automatically converted. And then I guess it will show up in workshop.


I don't use auto textures, it's really case by case with me. As a result, I am not sure. But I think it should work


@Coyote: When you right-click => appearance, you have a "color" property window that opens. You then have to go to "advanced", then "color/image" and finally "browse".


All you have to do is select the jpeg that will be automatically converted. And then I guess it will show up in workshop.


I don't use auto textures, it's really case by case with me. As a result, I am not sure. But I think it should work


@coin37coin we're not talking about Solidworks!!!!!

But to Compose!

Haaa, so much for me!

My texture is fine in jpeg. The directory does not update. It does not display the latest files added to the directory.


I change my file and then I come back to it and it is up to date!
