Update and external reference

Hi all.
I wanted to know if any of you have had any problems recording a piece with external references.

Let me explain, I work under SW 2023 SP01 and when switching to 2.1, when I saved a part with the external references, in the new part they were broken. So I stayed in SP 01.
So if someone uses this function and it works under SP04, I'm all for it.
Because I don't want to install and have to uninstall afterwards.

Sincerely, hoping to have been clear, thank you in advance for your feedback


We always come back to the same problem: stop trying to do production with SPs other than the latest SP of the version (mini 5.0 or later if it is available).
Clearly, this means that you should always be at least a year behind SW's releases.

Currently, only the 2023 SP4 is out, so forget about the 2023 until October/November (the theoretical release date of the SP5) and work with the 2022 SP5.0
In any case, the improvements are now so minimal that working with the penultimate version available is unlikely to be limiting.