SP5 2021 Update


I am in sp5.1 2021 and when I ask for the update to have the latest sp5 2021 SW only offers me sp0 2022.

How to do it?

Thank you


Service Pack  5.1 is the latest in the 2021 release

There is therefore no more update in sw 2021




I think you made a typo...

If the goal is to go from SW2021SP4.1 to SW2021SP5, it's doable. From memory, when it offers you SW2022SP0, you should be able to choose to skip that version or by a drop-down menu choose a 2021 version.

It's been a long time since I've had this manipulation, and why not switch to SW2022SP0 right away?

Kind regards.


@a.eriaud, switching to an SP0 must be a player or have few licenses and not be subject to IT rules that do not allow you to change SP during the year.

When you see that even an SP5 can be prone to bugs to the point of releasing a 5.1 in an emergency, you really shouldn't be afraid to play the beta tester on an SP0.

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