Updated size, tolerance, basemap


I have a particularly annoying problem. When I change the size of the tolerances in the parameters, only the new tolerances are at that size, the tolerances already present are not updated.

Is there a way around this problem?



When you change your parameter(s ), remember to save all these options in the "Skin Standard" file.

Each time you change the parameter, change the name of your standard (for example, by adding the index: V1, V2, etc....)

In your current document, apply the new standard.

It should work.



Yes, the new packaging standard already contains this parameter and even if you import it, it doesn't change anything.

> In your current document, apply the new standard.

And how do I do that? (Because the box at the bottom "Apply update rules" remains grayed out, I don't know if that's it..)

If you have the MYCAD utilities, with CopyOptions it should work.



before changing your settings, select a dimension and do a ctrl + A (select all your dimensions to change).

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Identical result, no changes...

And I don't have MyCAD

Have you tried ctrl + a?

Are these dimensions imported from 3D?

If so, try to do this in 3D, but normally you should be able to change the tolerance font after selecting your dimensions on the MEP.

Yes I did the Ctrl + A, and I went to do the manipulation.

No, they are not imported from 3D.

Check here that your value is what you want. If not, do the ctrl + a operation again, and modify this value.


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Yes, it's the same thing.

Hello, in my opinion, when creating the dimensions, Solidworks made them independent so either you have to redo them or one by one check if "use the dimension font" is checked.

I hope I have helped you.

Kind regards


Try the CTRL +A  manip again by changing this value to see if it changes anything.

And as G. says , check that the box use dimension font is checked, otherwise there's no point in trying to change the settings.

On the dimensions, the "Use dimension font" checkbox is checked.

Same if I do the manipulation with Ctrl + A.

(The only way I found is to do Ctrl + A on the sides, and go to the "Other" tab and change the size manually. But this is an average solution because I would like to do it in macro form and the selection of odds is not easy to do).

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Instead of selecting a dimension, you can select the dimension filter (F6 to display the filters) and do your CTRL +A.

So this macro?

The problem is that in VBA, I don't have a way to do "Ctrl + A for odds". I'm going to think about how to do that.

For the moment, I'm going to take care of updating all my basemaps.

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Good evening, in fact the answer has been given to you but not complete:)

Select all the dimensions that don't fit and in the property manager, in the "STYLE" frame,  click on "Apply default attributes for selected dimensions".

Kind regards.

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Thank you

I think it should normally work, but it doesn't.

- it changes the color of the rating (It becomes gray)
- it takes away my tolerance
- If we put a manual value, it removes it.


To me it looks like a Solidworks bug. Which version is it?

Is this the last SP available? SP5?

Otherwise to do CTRL A in a macro, you have to look at "SENDKEYS"