Updated size, tolerance, basemap

No, SP3.

I will eventually ask my info service to migrate to the SP5.

But I noticed when changing the size of the tolerances, the dimensions move so I do it manually.


And thanks for the SENDKEYS, I'll take a look at it.


(I'm a little embarrassed, because I've had several pieces of answer that help me more or less, so I don't know which one to put in "Solved"..)


It's cool that we can help you, but before validating a better answer, wait until you've really solved your problem, after that it's just a click to make, no matter what you choose as long as the problem is solved!!


Kind regards



I think more of a style problem than a bug.

For the tolerances that fade, it seems normal to me when I see the screen of your options.

By clicking where I told you in my previous post, you applied the style set in the options.

For the color, check the font color in the options or that the dimensions didn't go to a different layer.

For the disappearance of the hills, I don't see why SW would decide alone to remove them.

Kind regards.

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As flegendre told you in a previous post, there is a "CopyOptions" utility, from the myCADtools suite, which can do what you want automatically. It might be worth taking a closer look. There are, also, certainly other utilities that can save you time.

Kind regards



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