Scaling a CATIA V5 Sketch

Hi all

I need to retromodel a part on CATIA V5, so I imported a photo of my part and traced the outline of it.

However, my room is not the right size.

So I'd like to scale my entire sketch.

The dimension I displayed on the image is 179.969 mm but this real distance is 104mm. We therefore have a scaling factor of 0.5779. Could you tell me how to change the scale of my entire sketch without breaking the geometry drawn? The "homothety editing" tab doesn't seem to work since I can't change the scale.

[url=] [img][/img][/url]



Thank you in advance.

I attach the photo here.



"Homothety Edition" command.

The scale box is active only after selecting the geometry to be modified and pointing to the center of the homothety.

You then have to enter the scale value without validating or clicking in the graphics window.

Then "Entrée".

NB: CATIA guides you, follow the instructions that appear in the notification area (bottom left).

If I may say so, you drew a curve, I would have rather used arcs of a circle (easier to constrain to enter values) the curve you have to act on each point, it's not practical, you have a symmetrical piece 1/2 traced is enough.