Setting up a dimension to have a view on a realistic rendering ( Photoview 360 )


I would like to set up a view with dimensions for a realistic rendering on Solidworks so that my colleagues and I have the same view.

Thank you for the solutions you will bring me.

I enclose below a picture of what I would like to do without the dimensions.


Hello @Elio7856 

Can we know the interest of a realistic rendering to just share an aspect of a listed part?


That said, it depends on how sophisticated you want it to be.

Here is an example made in three clicks
No need for photoview, just activate instant 2D and instant 3D + activate realview graphics and then select the sketch that includes the dimensions.

Kind regards


Hello @Elio7856 

No sideline on RealView as far as I know (except on the sketch that determines the part)

To have the same view, it is up to you to save it once the desired view has been validated

In theory the image will open with the same view

@+ ;-)

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hello @gt22 

I didn't understand!

Sidecut maybe we don't have the same definition ;-)

Could you tell me what would differ from the image I posted.
Thank you ;-)

Kind regards

Hello, @Zozo_mp 

I expressed myself badly, it's not the part I want on the side (I don't want us to see the dimensions of the part). What I would like to do is give a dimension (an angle or others) to have a single view of the room and that everything but colleagues and the same parameters to have the same view (same angle etc. ;) And then be able to make a kind of catalog with each model and with the same view 

Hi @Zozo_mp 

SorryN'on you're right ;-(

if you want the dimensions you have to take them from the sketch

but I find it sucks for my side a realwiev (plus it's not easy to see the sides)

Basically it's not made for it seems to me

@+ have a good day 

it's the position of your part at the recording that states its position

do a test in theory it works like this



If I understand correctly, do you want to freeze a view in space to recall it later?

In this case place your view as desired

then space bar

then save your view (spotting scope icon with star) you give it a name.

to recall it to the space bar and then click on the desired view.

May the force be with you


edit: his views can be recalled also on a drawing


Hello @OBI WAN

it's true that I don't think about recording Vues anymore.

But it's   true that the iconic telescope in the stars can speak to the Jedi ;-)

Kind regards

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@Zozo_mp ,

I often use this Jedi tool:)

may the force be with you.