Drawing: Display of the original part before it is modified


I have a commercial part, which is inserted alone in an assembly for modification. The modification is done in an assembly in order to be able to keep "intact" the file of the commercial part to manage its purchase by the ERP. However, when drawing the assembly, I would like to display the contours of its original volume to indicate to the machinist the faces to be machined and the dimensions in relation to the contour.

Thank you for your help.




To do this, two configurations must be created in the assembly. With and without the modifications. Then in your drawing, you create your view with the "without" configuration. Then you use the "View from another position" function and select your "with" configuration.

See you...


[Edit:] More info here: http://help.solidworks.com/2015/french/solidworks/sldworks/c_alternate_position_view.htm



The easiest way is to create a new configuration of your assembly and remove all the modifications to get an original visual of your commercial part. You have 2 configurations: part at purchase and part modified.

Then in your drawing, on the view where you want to show the contours of the original part, click on that view, and then click Insert/View/View from another position.

And that's it!



You can also import a view of the part as is in the assembly drawing by choosing it here (see attached PCE).

