Hi all! 

Here I am starting to create an automatic drawing for sheet metal parts on Solidworks 2020 SP4

I can automatically import certain views: front, left, right... BUT unable to find the function to import the unfolded state view. Do you have an idea?

I would also like the ribs to arrive automatically with the views and I didn't find either...  

Thanks for your help! 


This can work if the reference part has a specific "sm-flat" configuration that the plan can find each time,

Then the "magic" rating is related to the way the part was designed.

Thank you for your answer!

The specific config of my unfolded state is "SM-FLAT-PATTERN", can it work? And how, please? 

I didn't follow you on the second sentence..

Thank you!


The flat pattern configuration does not exist until you have created a drawing with an unfolded and then all your sheet metal parts will have to be created in the same way.

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Thank you for your answer! 

So if I follow the first part of your sentence, it's not possible, but the rest tells me that it's possible? Do you have a procedure to follow? Any way to give me please? 

I would use this "automatic drawing " only for simple sheet metal parts that looks like the starting part

Thank you!

Impossible to do a predefined drawing with the flat-pattern until the 2019 version for the 2020 I wouldn't say anything, but in my opinion same thing.

The only solution to achieve this unfolded view in automatic is to make a macro.

An example of a macro that I use from the sheet metal part and that I create the drawing of the patern flat and scale it to the largest according to the MEP sheet:

Dim swApp           As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel         As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDraw          As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swDrawModel     As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim aView           As SldWorks.View
Dim vConfs          As Variant
Dim i               As Integer
Dim sDrTemplate     As String
Dim sOutputFolder   As String
Dim file            As String
Dim longstatus      As Long
Dim longwarnings    As Long
Dim swPart          As PartDoc
'Dim sa              As Object
'Dim swBody          As Body2
Dim nBendState      As Long
Dim nRetVal         As Long
Dim bRet            As Boolean
Dim part            As DrawingDoc

Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    'On vérifie si la pièce est bien une tôle
    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    nBendState = swModel.GetBendState
    If nBendState = 1 Then

            '**********Chemin d'export MEP**********
            '*******Récup chemin existant***********
            sOutputFolder = Left(swModel.GetPathName(), Len(swModel.GetPathName()) - 7)
            Debug.Print "Dossier: " & sOutputFolder
            '********On vérifie si une MEP est déjà existante********
            file = sOutputFolder + ".slddrw"
            Debug.Print file
            'Pas de MEP existante
            If Dir(file) = "" Then
            Debug.Print "Dir_file:" & Dir(file)
                        '**********Chemin du fond de plan modèle**********
                        Const sDrTemplate As String = "U:\XXX\Mise en plan - Fonds de plan B\A4-DECOUPE-b.DRWDOT"
                        Set swDraw = swApp.NewDocument(sDrTemplate, 0, 0, 0)
                        'on passe l'échelle de la feuille à 1:1
                        Set part = swApp.ActiveDoc
                        Set swSheet = part.GetCurrentSheet
                        bRet = swSheet.SetScale(1, 1, True, False)
                        'Dim swView As SldWorks.View
                        Set sView = swDraw.CreateFlatPatternViewFromModelView3(swModel.GetPathName, "", 0.105, 0.184, 0#, False, False)
                        Dim swDrawModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
                        Set swDrawModel = swDraw
                        swDrawModel.ForceRebuild3 False
                        swDrawModel.Extension.SaveAs file, swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Nothing, 0, 0
                        Debug.Print "Dossier + Nom fichier="; sOutputFolder + ".slddrw"
                        'On lance le module redimView pour redimensionner la vue
                        Call moduleRedimView.moduleRedimView
            'Une MEP est déjà existante
            MsgBox "Fichier déjà existant"
            Set part = swApp.OpenDoc6(file, 3, 0, "", longstatus, longwarnings)
            End If
    'La pièce n'est pas une tôle
    MsgBox "Ne fonctionne que sur une pièce de tôlerie"
    End If
End Sub



Thank you very much for your answer, it helps me a lot! 

I'm now trying to compile your macro with more settings to directly import 3 views + auto ribs! 

(if you have an idea, don't hesitate :) )  

That's it! But I have a problem!


Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    'On vérifie si la pièce est bien une tôle
    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    nBendState = swModel.GetBendState
    If nBendState = 1 Then

            '*******Chemin d'export MEP******
            '*****Récup chemin existant*******
            sOutputFolder = Left(swModel.GetPathName(), Len(swModel.GetPathName()) - 7)
            Debug.Print "Dossier: " & sOutputFolder
            '***On vérifie si une MEP est déjà existante******
            file = sOutputFolder + ".slddrw"
            Debug.Print file
            'Pas de MEP existante
            If Dir(file) = "" Then
            Debug.Print "Dir_file:" & Dir(file)
                        '******Chemin du fond de plan modèle*****
                        Const sDrTemplate As String = "C:\SW2019\SW2011 FICHIERS\FICHIERS SOLIWORKS 2008\Modele de cartouche sous traitance\S-T TOUS CLIENTS\S-T TOUS CLIENTS.drwdot"
                        Set swDraw = swApp.NewDocument(sDrTemplate, 0, 0, 0)
                        'on passe l'échelle de la feuille à 2:1
                        Set part = swApp.ActiveDoc
                        Set swSheet = part.GetCurrentSheet
                        bRet = swSheet.SetScale(1, 3, True, False)
                        'Dim swView As SldWorks.View
                        boolstatus = part.GenerateViewPaletteViews("F:\svg_plan\AXIMA\Nouveau dossier\test.SLDPRT")
                        boolstatus = part.Create3rdAngleViews("F:\svg_plan\AXIMA\Nouveau dossier\test.SLDPRT")
                        Set sView = swDraw.CreateFlatPatternViewFromModelView3(swModel.GetPathName, "", 0.345, 0.175, 0#, False, False)
                        Dim swDrawModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
                        Set swDrawModel = swDraw
                        swDrawModel.ForceRebuild3 False
                        swDrawModel.Extension.SaveAs file, swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Nothing, 0, 0
                        Debug.Print "Dossier + Nom fichier="; sOutputFolder + ".slddrw"
                        'On lance le module redimView pour redimensionner la vue
                        Call moduleRedimView.moduleRedimView
            'Une MEP est déjà existante
            MsgBox "Fichier déjà existant"
            Set part = swApp.OpenDoc6(file, 3, 0, "", longstatus, longwarnings)
            End If
    'La pièce n'est pas une tôle
    MsgBox "Ne fonctionne que sur une pièce de tôlerie"
    End If
End Sub



I can do the automatic MEP BUT only with the TEST part which is in a certain folder.

I'd like to replace the value "F:\svg_plan\AXIMA\New folder\test. SLDPRT" by something that would automatically take the current piece from me. The unfolded state line works well for each room in progress but not the 2 lines to put the 3 auto views.  

(I'm also looking to add the dimensions in automatic that I normally put with the "Model objects... ")

Thank you for your help! 

Without having tried if you replace your 2 lines with this:

boolstatus = part.GenerateViewPaletteViews(swModel.GetPathName)
boolstatus = part.Create3rdAngleViews(swModel.GetPathName)

swModel.GetPathName retrieves the path of the previously opened model

For the ribs:

Sub selectCote()

    Dim swApp                       As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel                     As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swDraw                      As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
    Dim swView                      As SldWorks.View
    Dim swDispDim                   As SldWorks.DisplayDimension
    Dim swDim                       As SldWorks.Dimension
    Dim swAnn                       As SldWorks.Annotation
    Dim threadPrefix                As String
    Dim swSelMgr                    As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
    Dim bSelect                     As Boolean
    Dim sItemName                   As String

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swDraw = swModel

    Debug.Print "File = " & swModel.GetPathName

    Set swView = swDraw.GetFirstView

    Do While Not swView Is Nothing
        Debug.Print "  View = " & swView.Name

        Set swDispDim = swView.GetFirstDisplayDimension5

        Do While Not swDispDim Is Nothing
            Set swAnn = swDispDim.GetAnnotation
            Set swDim = swDispDim.GetDimension

            Debug.Print "    ------------------------------------"
            Debug.Print "      AnnName                      = " & swAnn.GetName
            Debug.Print "      DimFullName                  = " & swDim.FullName
            Debug.Print "      DimName                      = " & swDim.Name
            Debug.Print "      swDimensionParamType_e type  = " & swDim.GetType
            Debug.Print "      DrivenState                  = " & swDim.DrivenState
            Debug.Print "      ReadOnly                     = " & swDim.ReadOnly
            Debug.Print "      Value                        = " & swDim.GetSystemValue2("")
            Debug.Print ""
            Debug.Print "      Arrowside                    = " & swDispDim.ArrowSide
            Debug.Print "      TextAll                      = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextAll)
            Debug.Print "      TextPrefix                   = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextPrefix)
            Debug.Print "      TextSuffix                   = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextSuffix)
            Debug.Print "      CalloutAbove                 = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutAbove)
            Debug.Print "      CalloutBelow                 = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutBelow)
            threadPrefix = CStr(swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextPrefix))
            Debug.Print threadPrefix
            threadPrefix = Left(threadPrefix, 1)
            Debug.Print threadPrefix
            'ici on efface la côte si ce n'est pas un taraudage SD

                            sItemName = ""
                            sItemName = swAnn.GetName()
                            Debug.Print "sItemName = " + sItemName + "@" + CStr(swView.Name)
                            bSelect = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(sItemName + "@" + CStr(swView.Name), "DIMENSION", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)
            'ici on termine l'ajout SD
            Set swDispDim = swDispDim.GetNext3
            'Si le  suffixe de la côte est différent de M(xx)-> on supprime

            If threadPrefix = "M" Then
            Debug.Print "M donc on efface pas)"
            swModel.ClearSelection2 True
            Debug.Print "Pas M on Efface!"
            swModel.ClearSelection2 True
            End If


        Set swView = swView.GetNextView


For you you will have to delete this part:

            'ici on efface la côte si ce n'est pas un taraudage SD

                            sItemName = ""
                            sItemName = swAnn.GetName()
                            Debug.Print "sItemName = " + sItemName + "@" + CStr(swView.Name)
                            bSelect = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(sItemName + "@" + CStr(swView.Name), "DIMENSION", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)
            'ici on termine l'ajout SD
            Set swDispDim = swDispDim.GetNext3
            'Si le  suffixe de la côte est différent de M(xx)-> on supprime

            If threadPrefix = "M" Then
            Debug.Print "M donc on efface pas)"
            swModel.ClearSelection2 True
            Debug.Print "Pas M on Efface!"
            swModel.ClearSelection2 True
            End If

To be tested but it seems to me that it does the job


Edit: or again:

Great thank you! 

I replaced the value so that it takes the part in auto 

On the other hand, I can't understand your second message? Do I have to integrate a song into my macro or make a full-fledged one? 

I tried to compile the whole thing but I get several error codes every time I modify something. I don't really know anything about VBA or coding as you can understand...


Dim swApp           As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel         As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDraw          As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swDrawModel     As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim aView           As SldWorks.View
Dim vConfs          As Variant
Dim i               As Integer
Dim sDrTemplate     As String
Dim sOutputFolder   As String
Dim file            As String
Dim longstatus      As Long
Dim longwarnings    As Long
Dim swPart          As PartDoc
'Dim sa              As Object
'Dim swBody          As Body2
Dim nBendState      As Long
Dim nRetVal         As Long
Dim bRet            As Boolean
Dim part            As DrawingDoc
Dim swView          As SldWorks.View
Dim swDispDim       As SldWorks.DisplayDimension
Dim swDim           As SldWorks.Dimension
Dim swAnn           As SldWorks.Annotation
Dim threadPrefix    As String
Dim swSelMgr        As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Dim bSelect         As Boolean
Dim sItemName       As String


Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    'On vérifie si la pièce est bien une tôle
    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    nBendState = swModel.GetBendState
    If nBendState = 1 Then

            '**********Chemin d'export MEP**********
            '*******Récup chemin existant***********
            sOutputFolder = Left(swModel.GetPathName(), Len(swModel.GetPathName()) - 7)
            Debug.Print "Dossier: " & sOutputFolder
            '********On vérifie si une MEP est déjà existante********
            file = sOutputFolder + ".slddrw"
            Debug.Print file
            'Pas de MEP existante
            If Dir(file) = "" Then
            Debug.Print "Dir_file:" & Dir(file)
                        '**********Chemin du fond de plan modèle**********
                        Const sDrTemplate As String = "C:\SW2019\SW2011 FICHIERS\FICHIERS SOLIWORKS 2008\Modele de cartouche sous traitance\S-T TOUS CLIENTS\S-T TOUS CLIENTS.drwdot"
                        Set swDraw = swApp.NewDocument(sDrTemplate, 0, 0, 0)
                        'on passe l'échelle de la feuille à 2:1
                        Set part = swApp.ActiveDoc
                        Set swSheet = part.GetCurrentSheet
                        bRet = swSheet.SetScale(1, 3, True, False)
                        'Dim swView As SldWorks.View
                        boolstatus = part.GenerateViewPaletteViews(swModel.GetPathName)
                        boolstatus = part.Create3rdAngleViews(swModel.GetPathName)
                        Set sView = swDraw.CreateFlatPatternViewFromModelView3(swModel.GetPathName, "", 0.345, 0.175, 0#, False, False)
                        Dim swDrawModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
                        Set swDrawModel = swDraw
                        swDrawModel.ForceRebuild3 False
                        swDrawModel.Extension.SaveAs file, swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Nothing, 0, 0
                        Debug.Print "Dossier + Nom fichier="; sOutputFolder + ".slddrw"
                        'On lance le module redimView pour redimensionner la vue
                        Call moduleRedimView.moduleRedimView
                        Do While Not swDispDim Is Nothing
                            Set swAnn = swDispDim.GetAnnotation
                            Set swDim = swDispDim.GetDimension

                            Debug.Print "    ------------------------------------"
                            Debug.Print "      AnnName                      = " & swAnn.GetName
                            Debug.Print "      DimFullName                  = " & swDim.FullName
                            Debug.Print "      DimName                      = " & swDim.Name
                            Debug.Print "      swDimensionParamType_e type  = " & swDim.GetType
                            Debug.Print "      DrivenState                  = " & swDim.DrivenState
                            Debug.Print "      ReadOnly                     = " & swDim.ReadOnly
                            Debug.Print "      Value                        = " & swDim.GetSystemValue2("")
                            Debug.Print ""
                            Debug.Print "      Arrowside                    = " & swDispDim.ArrowSide
                            Debug.Print "      TextAll                      = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextAll)
                            Debug.Print "      TextPrefix                   = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextPrefix)
                            Debug.Print "      TextSuffix                   = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextSuffix)
                            Debug.Print "      CalloutAbove                 = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutAbove)
                            Debug.Print "      CalloutBelow                 = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutBelow)
                            threadPrefix = CStr(swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextPrefix))
                            Debug.Print threadPrefix
                            threadPrefix = Left(threadPrefix, 1)
                            Debug.Print threadPrefix

        Set swView = swView.GetNextView
            'Une MEP est déjà existante
            MsgBox "Fichier déjà existant"
            Set part = swApp.OpenDoc6(file, 3, 0, "", longstatus, longwarnings)
            End If
    'La pièce n'est pas une tôle
    MsgBox "Ne fonctionne que sur une pièce de tôlerie"
    End If
End Sub


To launch it, you copy and paste below the 1st part and in the 1st you add:

with select Dimension which must match the name of the sub of the 2nd part

Call selectCote

And you have to delete

Call moduleRedimView.moduleRedimViewwhich uses a sub that doesn't exist in your home!


Unfortunately it's not possible... The community has been asking for this possibility for a long time. No feedback from SW ...

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