Detached drawing

Hi all

I just discovered that it was possible to save "detached" drawings..
After reading the help, I understand that this type of drawing does not load the model, I imagine in order to improve the performance (?). It seems that more options are available than in the "skinning" mode. The model must be reloaded to update the views.

Questions: Do you use this mode? What are the main benefits? Are there any documentations/tutorials that are a little more informative than the SW help on this subject?

Thank you!

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For my part, I have noticed

*Fast MEP loading
*Possible to communicate the MEP without worrying about the parts files
*it allows you not to propagate the model modifications (loading at will)

*Useful for annotation and other changes, loading the model following a geometric modification and too loooooord,
*The MEP must be rebuilt well before recording as a detached device, otherwise the views will appear empty.
*the bubbling and temporarily broken nomenclature
*no section view, not even projected views


Thank you for your answer, it reinforces the idea I had of it.

A question that comes to me: it is not possible to open a normal drawing (already done) in detached mode? Do you have to open it and then save it in detached mode (possibly under another name?
