IFC file drawing


Is it possible to draw an IFC file?

Thank you

Good evening
The IFC format is a 3D format.
It must therefore be imported as a 3d file and then create a drawing of it.

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That's what I did but nothing is displayed.
What settings do you use for the IFC import?

Could you send your IFC so I can take a look at it?

Sorry it's more than 200MB

You can use numsend to send large files for free.

IFC is a 3D exchange format for BIM. 200 MB seems huge to me. SW will have a hard time importing it.
It must be a complex assembly. Tip: open, if possible, with sketchup pro and do a cleanup, simplification, before reexporting IFC to SW. To send try to zip before it reduces the size quite a bit.


I'm reviving the subject even if it may be more topical. Have you found the answer elsewhere?
To answer the question YES directly, it works after saving in SW format. If nothing is displayed, you must activate the high quality of the view in wireframe view or remain in draft quality shaded view.


But be careful, you will need ram for complex sets because the unnecessary edges that separate the facets will be displayed.