Drawing: Putting a view in the foreground


I have a drawing where I overlay two views on SW23. One is below the other and I would like to be able to reverse the order (which can be easily done on the office suite but on SW I can't find it).

Who would have a solution? Thanks in advance

Hello mas_1,

Yes indeed it's like an office,...
But I'm still going to check this, but for the moment I don't have control over my pcs, they're being processed... I'll keep you informed.
Here, look at this if it can do it => How to make a half view without a cut in a section view? - #7 by A.R

Thank you for your feedback,

I found a hack to get out :slight_smile: of it I share it it could help others.

The idea is to have a front view that is put on top of an iso view, I do this to indicate lubrication points on an assembly plan.

Here the red and white arrow is on top of the piece as desired

On the other hand, here the arrow is half covered by the iso view

And now we're completely underneath.

So it's a matter of perspective! As I can't get the blue view to be on top of the orange view, I'm going to change the 3D of the arrow:

Hop, we increase the height of the extrusion...

And now my arrow is on top of it as originally intended.

It may not be very orthodox, but at least I have the rendering I needed.



No, it's not very orthodox... :grinning:
Why not go for " View from another position " in your drawing?

… because, if you want to create your 3D guides (your red arrow), you might as well use them in a configuration of your assembly.

Kind regards.

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I also wonder about the interest of the method, a simple sketch block would suffice and would have the following advantages:

  • avoid the problem of overlapping views;
  • to follow the sight to which he is attached.