Solidworks Drawing Lost After Changing Part File Name


How do I keep assemblies and drawings after renaming a part created in Solidworks?


Thanks in advance,




Did you rename your part via winWind or via Solidworks? Because normally via Solidworks the links are kept.

To rename via Solidworks you just have to do: a right click on the file then Solidworks and rename; see PJ


When you rename the part via Solidworks, you also have to rename its MEP so that they have the same name. 

Thank you AC Cobra 427, I didn't know the right way to rename Solid files, in the future  I won't have this inconvenience anymore.

In the meantime I think I'll have to redo my assembly and its drawing.

Thank you for your help

Normally, if you give it the old name, it should find the links, then you will just have to change the name via Solidworks and everything should be good.