Layout: Independent Scouting

Hi all


Is it possible to make annotation (registration) in drawings independent?

That is to say that I have parts and subassemblies in which I have other parts, the problem is that I can only locate 

either the assemblies or the parts, but not both independently. 



Thank you



If I understand the question correctly, it is possible to force the identification of parts and assemblies by inserting a bill of materials.

The degree of precision of this nomenclature will influence the reference points.


Ex: A flat bill of materials => Identification of assemblies

Detailed namencalation => Parts (and assembly I think).

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So the answer is no:


You can't locate parts AND assemblies (if they are different levels) in SolidWorks by keeping the properties. It will necessarily be a simple text for one of them!

Thank you FX, I tried but it was unsuccessful, indeed as Lucas prieur says solidworks can't dissociate the different levels for the annotations.


I think it's a shame because I often need it.


Have a nice day.

If I understand your problem correctly, you have an assembly with a sub-assembly inside.

and you want to identify the components of your sub-assembly.


If that's what it is, to insert a view of your subset in your drawing (on the outside it will be to be hidden afterwards so as not to pollute the print). This will normally have the effect of loading the component references into memory, and thus you will be able to locate the parts of your sub-assembly.

We use this technique in our company.


Hoping to have understood and solved your problem.






Registration is linked to the nomenclature for numbering.

To do what you want: Tabulated list

And you choose the level of detail.

Then you do your scouting.


Be careful when you are going to add a sheet, the numbering follows the nomenclature related to the view.

If you create a sheet and keep numbering, SW will take its standard and not your properties. (Or just a bug in me?)

The numbers may be different between your nomenclature and your marks.

Personally, I advise you to copy your sheet and hide the nomenclature to have the right numbering.





There's a trick:

To retrieve a property of a subset in a note you have to hover over the origin of the subset (display the origins in the display menu) when snapping the note ... It's the only place that allows you to recover a property of the sub-assembly and not that of one of the parts that make it up!


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