Fixed dimension mode when I'm sketching

Recently, I can't do anything in a sketch as long as there is a dimension.

the computer goes into dimension mode, I can only change a dimension, but no longer trace.... How do you get out of this mode?

Thank you in advance.


Hello. Tried a reboot? Sometimes, it solves the problem.



yes, I usually turn off my PC every night.


Have you tried the same part on another workstation?

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Hello @ fbicard_2

Can you post your piece, it must be a very simple thing.

A bit like when it goes read-only but with blocking.

To complete the request for @ac cobra , are you in a single workstation or in a network and do you use PDM.

Kind regards

Hi all

And thank you!

It's not related to the part but to SW's configuration.

Nothing works, I'm stuck in this mode whatever the part, whatever the sketch...

I'm going to uninstall SW and reinstall it, maybe a bug... Who said one more...?

Have a nice weekend.

Me personally never seen that

plus I don't really understand

You have an open sketch with blue writing on the front of your piece

your red circle that you want on the side.. is not on the same level what does this red circle do?

can you post your piece to understand your problem

or via Team Viewer to take control of it



Direct uninstallation? I would try a restore of the settings in the first place then a repair of SW if necessary then only an uninstall and then reinstall ... Can you put a copy of the full screen rather than just a small piece?

Kind regards


 @ D.Roger

don't you find his image weird

his red circle is not on the same plane as his open sketch

@+ ;-)

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I think he is the one who created the red circle (just on the screenshot) to show that his mouse pointer is stuck on the dimension mode, I just think it's a shame not to show more so that we can see which mode / menu he is in at the time of the problem, which could guide us to a possible analysis and resolution.

Kind regards


You agree with me that his sketch where there is a lettering is open

Yes I agree with you, his sketch is open.

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this lettering worked well before the bug...

There is a new problem: I am in forced quote mode, under the mouse I have the quote symbol.

When I open a sketch, whatever it is, even if I create a new one, as soon as there is a dimension, it freezes because of this mode that I can't remove.

To answer D.Roger, I tried a repair this morning but it's always the same...

Which version of SolidWorks are you on?  SP?


It may be interesting to install a part or you have the problem, if it is a general problem that you had before it happened? Configuration change, updates....  


Kind regards

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It seems that it comes from the fonts
Especially the Century Gothic typeface
Download here:

Then copy here:C:\Windows\Fonts
Then restart soldiworks.

It doesn't cost anything to test ...

Also, a reinstallation of Solidworks would solve the problem, apparently, a corrupted registry thing...  
