Realview mode not always active (SW2015)

Hello everyone,
In order to create documentation efficiently, we create realview views of sldasm sets that we insert into office documents.
We have abandoned the realization of views in photoview mode which is too time-consuming to work with the more adequate realview mode.

The question: 
In some sldasm sets, Sw doesn't give us access to realview mode. What for?
Thank you to all those who have read me and who could inform me.
Very good day.

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if you're in complex assembly mode it's not available it's in the text

Enabling RealView Graphics


To enable RealView graphics:

  • Click one of the following options:
    • View Settings  > RealView Graphics 
    • RealView  Graphics (View toolbar)
    • Viewing > View > RealView graphics.

RealView graphics are not available when an assembly is in Complex Assembly mode



yes @gt22 +1 

or even to adjust the light  parts in resolved mode.

may the force be with you.




To disable Complex Assembly Mode: click on the Tools menu and then on Complex Assembly Mode to disable it (or activate it depending on its state).


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Hello, by any chance, what is your graphics card? is it 100% compatible with Solid?? *I have seen several times non-certified graphics cards that did not work too badly, but on the other hand that could not handle the Realview.


Kind regards

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