Kinematic Modeling of a Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle with 3d Meca

Hi all 

I would like to know if it is possible to model a four-wheel drive vehicle on mecha3d? If so, how, knowing that I have the digital model of the vehicle.

I would like to know the equation of motion as a function of the rotational speeds of each of the wheels which are independent

Thank you. If you need more details don't hesitate I'm on standby :-)


Good evening @Jean-Christophe

To make sure we're talking about the same thing, let's check a few things.

  1. When you say -- modeling a four-wheel-drive vehicle on mecha3d — I'm not sure of the vocabulary. For us, when we talk about modeling, it is a question of making all the parts that will, once constrained together, constitute an assembly. This certainly constitutes what you call a "digital model of the vehicle" that must be produced with solidworks. This means that you have both SLDPRT and SLDASM files
    Do you confirm this point???


  1. It is this assembly that will be used by Méca3D to animate the model or simulate movements and obtain a certain number of results (force curves, gravity, springs, torque forces in the shock absorbing cylinders, etc.) generally referred to as the "model of the behaviour of the mechanism".
  1. You also say "I would like to know the equation of motion as a function of".
    Your wish is commendable: but I don't see how from this declaration of intent the forum can do anything to help you.

The forum can help you on a function of a software or give you indications on a feature that you don't know or master, but since we are not gurus with powerful charms and gifted with transcendental vision and in addition "harry poter" does not frequent this forum: I fear that we can do nothing for you.

Since we never do the work for the students , tell us what exactly you are struggling with.
You could start by making screenshots of the 3D Model made in SolidWorks (with the view of the creation tree, the famous feature manager. At least so that we have at least some information about the vehicle's look.

Kind regards

PS: with so little information you risk being set on fire on this forum or on another for that matter


Thank you for your answer,

indeed I have the digital model (SLDPRT and SLDASM) and  yes  I would like to work on the behavior model with meca 3D.  I can't put the model online because it's a project with a company.

My question is to know if it is possible to mobilize the ground and the wheel/ground contact with a 3D meca and make an animation according to the torques/rotational speeds applied to the wheels by the motors?

Kind regards