Modeling a rubber band

Hello, is there a technique to make a rubber band (more concretely a bungee cord) in solidworks 2016? 

Thank you


Could you be more specific and describe to us what you can't do.

Also look on GrabCAd or My3DContent there may be some ready-made.



I had to model a belt once.


It's a bit the same principle.


The two loops must be modeled at the end, then connected to these loops by a spline.

Swing a round profile on this spline.


You can logically make the spline move as you wish, a bit like a string.

You have to activate "instant 3D"


Thank you for your answers. basically, my bungee cord is connected to a platform; Depending on the position of this platform, my bungee cord will more or less stretch. The goal is to have a part so the geometry evolves dynamically according to the position of my platform. I thought about making a slider system to schematize it, it works but it's not very realistic. 

and what are the minimum and maximum dimensions of this elastic tensioner as well as the cross-section 

a screenshot would be wise ;-)

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Why not make 2 concentric tubes in 100° surface

create an assembly of these 2 tubes and an axial stress in these 2 tubes

these 2 tubes being fixed at their outer ends would slide into each other

It's up to you to find the textures that go well

and create the end caps to attach them to both sides



 Yes your method corresponds to the slide  system I had drawn, I think I will stay on this idea. Thank you for your help