Digital Terrain Modeling

Hi all 

We retrieved a file of XYZ coordinates from the website of SHOM, the hydrographic and oceanographic service of the Navy. We are trying to obtain a 3D surface of this land from the points.  The problem is that we have several hundred thousand points! 

We somehow managed to import a cloud of 2000 points in autocad 2015, however we are stuck on the creation of the contour lines and the creation of the 3D surface. Perhaps there are simpler tools dedicated to this type of modeling. Given the number of points to be processed, we try to automate this work as much as possible. 

We are open to all advice 


Thank you in advance for your help!


Olive tree


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A first question to ask yourself is the useful precision of representation:
- what is the distance between 2 points in the file and the one that is useful to you;
- What surface do you really need to represent.

With this data, you can either modify your SHOM application, or in excel delete the excess points.

There are several software programs capable of handling this type of request, including modules for Autocad. This leads to the problem of the number of treatments to be carried out and the available budget.


Our friend @ stefbeno gave a very relevant answer I couldn't have said it better ;-)

See this link

which will give you something to better understand the subject



No better:)

If you have Revit 2017 or 2018, there's an original add-on that does it pretty well.

You can download the trial version for free. The complement is there.

Have a nice day 


Thank you for your answers, 

I agree with you and I will only deal with some of the points once I have been able to identify the area to be treated. But the deliverable has been broken down into a file with no correspondence on a map...

I attached the Autocad file with the current point cloud, it seems to me that it is composed of 2000 points. 

The idea now is to get the contour lines and a surface between all that.


Have a good day everyone

Olive tree

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Is it Autocad Architecture that you are using?

If so, you have in the start tab, construction group, box tool, the Draper function that is likely to do the job.

For the filtering of the points, I remember that they are Cartesian coordinates so you just have to limit on X and Y.

To create the level lines, it may be best to create the surface and then cut it out by a series of horizontal planes.

From there, to automating all this...


With covadis (Autocad module), you can easily create your DTM, with a selection of your area.


Kind regards


In less than a minute with Covadis
