Problem modeling


I would like to model a key   I have a part of the key that I can't model  

I circled it in red on the photo 

Could someone help me

Thank you 









making a simple rib is not in itself complicated: but it still requires some knowledge of the SW software.

Since you are posting in the solidworks section , you should:

- tell us which version of solidworks you have?

- make a screen print of the room you have already made in SW: so that we can see where you are!

- Post the .slsprt part, it will be easier if you want help.

- What is this part used for (to know what precision it requires)

- Tell us if you are a student?

- in what context do you want to make this part is it for a future 3D print.

To get help, we need to know what you've already achieved or what you already know how to do. You just have to know that on the forum we have experienced, to hyper-experienced people: so tell us where your knowledge is (more or less)   ;-) ;-)

Kind regards

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- tell us which version of solidworks you have?


- make a screen print of the room you have already made in SW: so that we can see where you are!

What is this coin used for:


 Tell us if you are a student:


In what setting do you want to make this piece is for a future 3D print.



Thank you 






Here's my best version