Volute modeling for pump


I have to model a scroll for a pump but after several unsuccessful attempts, I turn to you.

I can't make the "snail" shape, especially at the junction of the volute. In addition, the wall thickness of the "snail" varies (from 35 mm to 39 mm).

See the plan of the attached document.

If anyone can help me, I will be very grateful.

Thank you



Is it a student job?

Can post an image of what you've already made.

Kind regards



It's a student's job. I try to model this volute as faithfully as possible in order to make a foundry simulation.

Attached is a picture of the sketches I am making. I didn't keep the files from the previous attempts.

Kind regards


Try to position the elements of the plane by means of several flat sketches but oriented in space.
Then look at the sweeps.