Model a moulding that follows a path

@ lucillecomte it's not nice so -1

It will be wise and fair to give the best answer

to a response that resolved the issue

and there are several good walkthroughs depending on the SW version

and not to yourself

@+ ;-)

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@ lucillecomte I talk about router because you will have to make your part one way or another (unless you practice using SW), it can  also be a digital milling machine, so you have to resonate machining also when you design a part.

Drawing a part that you can't machine is not very useful ;), only 3D printing can break this principle.

Otherwise, if in the 2015 version, you have to do the very first method I gave by making a sketch for your trajectory and extending it as gt22 reminded us with 2 tangent lines and above all  make your "shape to remove" sketch at one of the ends of one of the lines by creating a plane and not on your part. In short, see above;)

Otherwise I agree with gt22 on the answer for your question, you have to think of other people who have the same problem as you, and therefore to guide them on the answer that suits them best;)