BOM model change


We have a Nomenclature.sldbomtbt file

I would like to update this file. Do you know how to change it?

Thank you

See this link

there is a search tab at the top right sometimes with a keyword it works ;-)



Indeed, thank you


The best answer seems to me to be the one proposed by @gt22 or else I didn't understand anything about the principle of solidarity on the forum and especially thanks to the right people.
Natural thanks is to select the answer that seems best to you and to declare it as such. Self-thanks are not the order of the day  (hihihi  ;-)  )

Kind regards


Hello @a.bula,

Indeed, the principle of this forum is that the community responds to you or helps you solve your problem.

The right course of action is to designate the answer that helped you as the best. This has the following effects:

1- The question goes to the "Closed" state, which no longer clutters the list of open questions.

2- The answer can help another person with the same problem.

3- It rewards users who took the time to respond to you.

Following this mindset will encourage "forumers" to continue answering  your future questions.

I therefore invite you to deselect your answer and designate @gt22's answer as the best.

Thank you and Good luck on our forum!

Kind regards