Date Format Change in Solidworks 2014

Hi all 

I work under Solidworks 2014

On the cover page of the plans, I have several lines dedicated to the revision of the documents, 

one of the boxes corresponds to the date of publication of the plans, 

I have set up a fairly complete property form so that everything can be filled in autonomously

However I have a problem with the date format which is in short format in the form DD/MM/YYYY,

except that the project manager requires the DD/MM/YY format, 

Is there a way to set up solidworks for this format? 


In the

I think it's very good and don't think it's very perplexing to have the year in 4 figures

It's also an answer to give to your client

At least that's my point of view

@+ ;-))

otherwise change the format in the windows settings

Clock Click/Change Date/ Change Calendar Settings/Date Format


Normally it should work because Solidworks takes the settings of windows


 The date format is the one specified on the local computer (for example, mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).

@+ ;-))


Really not stupid!


We don't think enough about Windows/Solidworks interactions.


Thank you =)