Changing the Occurrence Number of a Part


When a part appears more than once in an assembly, the occurrence number is incremented automatically.

When you want to remove certain occurrences, for example the n°2 or 3 and keep the 5 and 6, is it possible to rename config 5 and 6 to 2 and 3 to keep a continuity of occurrences despite the life of an assembly

Thank you for your feedback

Kind regards



I'm not sure I understand the question that mixes occurrences and configurations.

It is possible to rename a config by right-clicking on the name of the config / renaming the element of the tree.


I thought I had answered your message. Sorry.

This is indeed the occurrence <1>,... <4>... that interests me to force

Is it possible?

thank you in advance



I just tried it is not possible manually.
When you think about it, it makes sense from a computational point of view: in SW, each object has a unique identifier (more or less visible) so that it can be processed by functions.