With SW (2013), in drawing, where is the default color of the dimensions set?
When I create them, they are gray (which doesn't suit my client).
I found to modify a color in the general SW settings (system options/colors) but it will impact all my customers so it doesn't work and I can't ask my customer to "tinker" with his machine.
There is no question of repainting each side, since if the plan is modified, the new dimensions will be greyed out.
The color of the dimensions is well and truly defined there: Tool/Options/Color/Dimensions, not imported (driving) and Dimensions, not imported (controlled).
Otherwise, at the level of the plane, you may have to go through a layer.
The layer could be a solution, but how do you make sure that the next dimensions are automatically assigned to this layer?
I have a doubt about my machine (which has just been restarted): I tried to play with the "Color Display Mode" icon and nothing happens! Whereas on a colleague's machine it works!
Edit: correction, finally it doesn't work on my colleague's machine with these drawings (it works for those of another client)