I'm in the process of modifying my cartridge and I'd like to write an Ilogic in which the mass accuracy is a function of a mass value.
Like what:
if mass <5kg P=3
otherwise P=0.
P is the number of digits after the decimal point.
Thank you for your help.
To see to use the instruction
But a priori, you will have to use this code (to be adapted):
First of all, it seems impossible to write LISP with Inventor, but you can write iLogic or vba code.
Then, when you talk about the precision p=3, do you mean 3 digits after the decimal point?
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I expressed myself badly:
- Inventor 2015, iLogic instead of Lisp
- P=3 is the number of digits after the decimal point
thanks to .PL and Aurelien Fives