Modify the clock link of a BOM

Hi all

To save time, I regularly make Pack&Go, drawing copies, sheet copies, BOM table copies...

However, there is one blocking point for me: the nomenclature table and the associated bubble, which loses all " automatism ".

Is it possible to view and/or modify which file a BOM table points to?

Thank you

You should be able to get it with this macro:
With the modified order for a Nomenclature that is called Nomenclature1:

Option Explicit

 Sub Main()

    Dim swApp       As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel     As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swDraw      As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
    Dim swFeat      As SldWorks.Feature
    Dim swBomFeat   As SldWorks.BomFeature

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swDraw = swModel
    Set swFeat = swModel.FirstFeature
    Do While Not swFeat Is Nothing
        If (swFeat.GetTypeName = "BomFeat") Then
            Debug.Print "******************************"
            Debug.Print "Feature Name = " & swFeat.Name
            Set swBomFeat = swFeat.GetSpecificFeature2
            If (swFeat.Name = "Bill of Materials1") Or (swFeat.Name = "Nomenclature1") Then
                ProcessBomFeature swApp, swModel, swBomFeat
            End If
        End If
        Set swFeat = swFeat.GetNextFeature
    Debug.Print "End"
End Sub
Sub ProcessBomFeature(swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, swBomFeat As SldWorks.BomFeature)
    GetPathNames swApp, swBomFeat
End Sub

Sub GetPathNames(swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, ByVal swBomFeature As SldWorks.BomFeature)
    Dim vConfigurations               As Variant
    Dim strConfiguration              As String
    Dim vVisibility                   As Variant
    Dim lIdx                          As Long
    Dim lNumConfigurations            As Long
    Dim lNumRow                       As Long
    Dim lNumColumn                    As Long
    Dim lRow                          As Long
    Dim swBOMTableAnnotation          As SldWorks.BomTableAnnotation
    Dim swTableAnnotation             As SldWorks.TableAnnotation
    Dim swDocument                    As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swAssembly                    As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc
    Dim strDocumentName               As String
    Dim lStartRow                     As Long
    Dim bGetVisible                   As Boolean
    Dim vModelPathNames               As Variant
    Dim strItemNumber                 As String
    Dim strPartNumber                 As String
    Dim vModelPathName                As Variant
    Dim strModelPathName              As String

    strDocumentName = swBomFeature.GetReferencedModelName
    Set swDocument = swApp.GetOpenDocumentByName(strDocumentName)
    Debug.Print "Referenced model = " & strDocumentName
    Set swAssembly = swDocument

    ' For now assume we have only 1 table annotation.
    Set swBOMTableAnnotation = swBomFeature.GetTableAnnotations(0)
    Set swTableAnnotation = swBOMTableAnnotation
    lNumRow = swTableAnnotation.RowCount
    lNumColumn = swTableAnnotation.ColumnCount

   lStartRow = 1

    If (Not (swTableAnnotation.TitleVisible = False)) Then
        lStartRow = 2
    End If

    bGetVisible = False
    Debug.Print "# configurations = " & swBomFeature.GetConfigurationCount(bGetVisible)
    vConfigurations = swBomFeature.GetConfigurations(bGetVisible, vVisibility)

    If (Not IsEmpty(vConfigurations)) Then
        lNumConfigurations = UBound(vConfigurations) - LBound(vConfigurations) + 1
        For lIdx = 0 To (lNumConfigurations - 1)
            strConfiguration = vConfigurations(lIdx)
            Debug.Print ""
            Debug.Print "Configuration: " & strConfiguration

            For lRow = lStartRow To (lNumRow - 1)
                Debug.Print "  row = " & (lRow - lStartRow + 1)
                vModelPathNames = swTableAnnotation.GetModelPathNames(lRow, strItemNumber, strPartNumber)

                Debug.Print "    item number = " & strItemNumber
                Debug.Print "    part number = " & strPartNumber

                If (Not IsEmpty(vModelPathNames)) Then
                    Debug.Print "    # models contributing to row = " & swTableAnnotation.GetModelPathNamesCount(lRow)
                    For Each vModelPathName In vModelPathNames
                        strModelPathName = vModelPathName
                        Debug.Print "       " & strModelPathName
                    Next vModelPathName
                    Debug.Print "    # models contributing to row = 0"
                    Debug.Assert (False)
                End If
            Next lRow
        Next lIdx
    End If
End Sub


Thank you, but for the moment the world of macro is another planet for me!
I'm surprised that link editing isn't simpler

The easiest way without a macro is to delete it and reinsert.
Because there is no visibility on the view to which the nomenclature points and no trace (link) to my knowledge.

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Unfortunately, this is my method.
Too bad it's a waste of time

I rarely use the Pack and Go.
For my part, I copy and paste parts and drawings, then I rename using the SOLIDWORKS utility which offers you to rename, move, etc...
Then before opening the MEP I recalibrate the references and that's it, the nomenclatures follow every time.