Change File Version References in a SolidWorks PDM Assembly


I wanted to know if it was possible to change the file version references in an assembly? 

On the image above you can see that one of the files from which I got the latest version (7/7) has a reference to the 5/7 version of the file. How do I update these references? 

Everything I found on the subject is here:

But nothing about how to proceed. 

I'm using a standard version of PDM 2019 with solidworks 2019 

Thank you in advance for your feedback 

There are settings on the versions in EPDM.

In our country, we force the systematic use of the latest versions. That is to say that when you open an assembly, EPDM systematically makes a 'get latest' on all the files of the assembly that are not in the latest version.

As a result, we often have exclamation marks in our assemblies (it's not necessarily a big deal because with us mounting a revision means that the part continues to be able to be assembled in its place. If this is not the case, we change the part number).

For your problem, if you mount a version on your assembly and you archive, you will no longer have the yellow circle with the exclamation mark.



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