Integration module: exporting/renaming assemblies


I'm looking to use the myCADtools Integration module (I'm working under SolidWorks 2017) to be able to rename an entire assembly (all its parts) and export it to another folder (I plan to do this in bulk, but if I can do it with an assembly, it will be a win).

I did see the "Export" operation for assemblies, but it only exports the asm file to another folder, and keeps the link with its old parts.

I also saw that there was the "Replace" operation, but you have to select the location of the new room and the old room, one by one (which may be extremely long and uninteresting...).

Does anyone have a solution (or an idea) to have the whole thing renamed and include its new cubs? 

Thank you!


I recommend Project Manager instead of integration.

Project Manager is used to Copy or move an entire project (with a mass renaming rule and possible bulk property change as well)

And of course copy of the plans

If necessary, questions about the operation are then asked.

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Thank you! I'm going to try this solution, it seems to meet what I need.

Have a nice day!



So that you don't want to do a simple pack and go by selecting a new folder and replacing the names with another?

Hello FUZ3D,

The Pack'n'Go would have been enough for a single assembly (I think), in my case I want to duplicate/rename assemblies in bulk (especially in bulk in a folder) and automatically, according to several very particular naming rules, and without having to open them one by one in SolidWorks.

Project Manager isn't that bad at doing that^^


Personally, I only use ProjectManager for assemblies anymore. It has a much better management of the links between files and libraries.
I have set up conditions so that it correctly places the files in the right folders.
Not to mention the addition of variables for the transfer of old files.



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