Show all bodies in an assembly

Hello everyone ,

In an assembly I want to display all the volume bodies that may have been hidden in the components (components are not hidden only one or more volume bodies).
Is there an efficient way to select all the volume bodies, or to see all the hidden bodies without having to "open each component"?

Maybe we need to create a macro?

Thank you in advance to all.

Hello Cédric,

There are some handy keyboard shortcuts in SW (see PJ).

It works very well in a part with volume bodies, in an assembly with parts but in your case I'm not sure.

Because this shortcut seems to look for the hidden elements contained directly in the construction tree, it does not go down a floor to see the contents of a room. I don't think that's possible, maybe with a macro...

Happy searching...



Thank you

Indeed the problem is that the shortcuts do not go down in the tree....