

We have a myCADPremium account and I would like to do some training via myCADlearning.

When I launch a training course, the time does not update and myCADlearning does not take into account the module I have just completed. I can't do the next module (for example in the sheet metal training).

On the attachment, the time spent is indicated at 54s while I have just completed the first module "Principle of sheet metal - First functions" of 20 minutes.

Have you ever had a similar problem? How did you resolve this blockage?



Hello Mr Beraud,

Your account is working fine and the timer for a lesson only starts when you have clicked on "Continue Course". Like most lessons, this "Sheet Metal Work" lesson is based on sequential progression, which means that you must have visualized each course by answering the final quiz with a score of at least 80% in order to move on to the next chapter.

Thank you for your interest in using myCADlearning and keep us informed of the progress of your journey.

Happy training!

Kind regards

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