myCADtools - PowerPrint - Detailing Mode?

Anyone know if PowerPrint can be configured to open drawings in Detailing Mode (so don't require the referenced model)?

The scenario would be that a user would extract all drawings for a GA and its components out of Visiativ PLM (using its own version of DocBundle) into a folder, and then use myCADtools > PowerPrint to print the drawings in the folder.

As no models are there, Detailing Mode in SW would be ideal, but I cannot find any option in PowerPrint to use that mode of SW when opening files to process in PowerPrint.

Hello Simon_DASS,
Well come to the forum, hoping that you can find your solution. For my part we don't have PDM, but I think someone will be able to help.
Be brave.

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We opened a request for implement a new option:

R&Dmy - Evolution #196503
Add the ability to load drawings in trim mode
